When I enter the studio Sargeant knows to curl up on a bed on the floor. Miz Paws, however, claims my ironing/cutting table as her own. Before I can do anything I have to take a scrubber and clean off the top. Fine kitty fur gets mixed with occasional dog hairs. Not what I want decorating my quilts!
I have a constant game that I have to play with Miz Paws. If she is on the table I do a "scat, cat!" She quickly, sometimes, obliges and goes straight to my chair. If I'm piecing then cutting it's a constant move from one area to another. Much of the time I give up and simply iron or cut around her. She doesn't seem to mind if rulers, fusible and fabric gets toss (or sometimes placed gently) on top of her.
I fondly refer to her as my Quilt Cat and primary assistant. I like knowing I'm in good compay. It seems most quilters have at least one Quilt Cat!
Does your Quilt Cat take over your studio?
-- Joanna