Back to my story ... although it's large and bulky, the thought of having a bed table seemed brilliant at the time. It's a wonderful table. I'm using it right now. It's sturdily made with magazine holders on each side. As a special feature, the top of the table can be tilted for book reading.
That tilt is the problem ... it's now securely (I hope!) taped shut.
The table usually resides on the hope chest at the end of my bed. On Saturday when I went to pick it up I didn't realize the top could swing free. It not only swung free, it hit me with quite a blow on my glasses. Neither my glasses nor my nose broke but the result was instant pain, abrasion, and glasses knocked out of kilter. I've been on pain pills ever since but my face is still inflamed and my eyes are dreadfully puffy.
I'm home from work today and heading to my eye doctor's office in a few hours to see if I can get my glasses put back into shape. I'm grateful they did their job -- my eyes were protected from what could have been a worse injury.