I began creating my textile postcards with a fabric back. They felt too floppy so I tried using Timtex . This made the cards too thick for my taste. I finally experimented with watercolor paper and have settled on that as my preferred photo backing method.
Materials Needed
Fabric postcard, quilted and embellished, with batting as desired
140 lb artist's watercolor paper such as Strathmore
Fusible web, such as Steam-A-Seam2
Applique pressing sheet, parchment paper or fusible release paper
Rotary cutter with paper blade (no longer used to cut fabric)
Steam Iron
Pressing cloth
Cutting mat, quilter's rule and rotary cutter
Sewing machine and thread.
I prefer to use Steam-A-Seam2 fusible for my postcards. I have used WonderUnder, MistyFuse, and liquid fusibles as well. While they are all excellent products, I find Steam-A-Seam2 best for applying the paper postcard back.
Cut the Steam-A-Seam about 1/4" larger than the postcard on all sides. Cover your ironing surface with a no-stick applique pressing sheet, parchment paper, or fusible release paper left over from another project. Place the Steam-A-Seam2 fusible side down on your postcard back and press for a few seconds with your iron. Let the postcard and backing cool completely before removing the backing. If the fusible separates from the postcard, press again for a few moments and make sure it is completely cooled before separating the release paper.
When the backing has been separated from the postcard, place the postcard fusible side down on a the artist's paper. Cut the watercolor paper about 1/2" larger than the postcard on all sizes. If using a small pad of watercolor paper, use the full sheet of paper.
Use a pressing cloth over the postcard when embellishments have been added. I press both sides of the card, fabric side first. Take care to press the card side for only a few seconds. If pressed with steam too long the paper can become warped. If this happens, place the postcard under a heavy book and let the card cool completely. Do not handle the card until it has cooled.
Depending on the design, I use either a sewn or fused binding. For this demonstration card, I used a sewn binding. Do not use a satin stitch for binding when you use a card backing. If you do the close stitching will cut the card and may cause it to fall out! For fused bindings, you can sew around the edge of the binding to secure it to the card if desired. I don't bother with the sewing ... I simply fuse.
When the card is completed, turn it over and add your name and date. Now it's ready to address and mail. I always use a regular letter rate stamp just in case the post office gets fussy.
I hope you have enjoyed this short tutorial on using heavy artist's watercolor paper to back your fabric and textile postcards. I welcome your comments!
1 comment:
Great tutorial Joanne. I would never have thought about using artist paper as the backing for the postcard.
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