It's tax season! That means the start of 10+ hour work days. Ther's just a peek of daylight when I leave home and it's O'dark Late when I arrive back. Emotionally exhausting days yet satisfying in many ways.
After I arrive home I make a quick dinner, check e-mail, then relax in front of the living room TV for a time. Most often when the clock shows 9:00 am I say "Bed...Bed!" and Sargeant and Mizzy Paws head to the bedroom. Mizzy has to curl up on HER pillow next to me and Sargeant snuggles under the covers next to me. If I stay up any later they're likely to head to bed and give me "where were you?" looks.
My time for quilting is in the morning. This week I'm managed to spend anywhere from 15 minutes (today) to an hour in the studio. I'm finished with the straight stitching and ready for the free-motion quilting. I started with one concept (free-motion over the entire top) and it's evolved to straight stitching with limited free-motion. Maybe I will finish this weekend.
My time in the studio has been spent enjoying the process and learning the machine. I removed my speed control and have gotten pretty good at foot control. I take pleasure in committing the hiding of my threads to muscle memory. I enjoy the feel of the fabric, the sound of the machine, the visual patterns of the fabric.
It's a good preparation for the work day!
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