In addition to not knowing how to free-motion quilt, there's another reason I've been a topper: I absolutely hate preparing a top for quilting!
My table space is limited, as is my floor space. I've tried using the kitchen for quilt preparation. It has lovely tile but getting ready is a pain. No matter how clean the floor, I have to clean it again. Then there's the agony of getting down on hands and knees to tape down the backing, betting and top. All the time fending off the quilt inspectors. I've had disasters too. I tried fusible spray and ended up trying to get it off the tile. Not fun.
Then there was the time I decided to try the fusible batting. Can you guess what happens when you use steam on a tile floor? Not good.
So tops have remained tops and I've learned the joy of working small. I've evolved a technique of using either Misty Fuse or Steam-A-Seam2 to fuse my layers together. Works great but it's not for a lap size quilt.
Over the holidays I've watched videos by Sharon Schamber and Carol Taylor. Sharon does hand basting using boards to keep the layers smooth. Carol uses photo fix spray for everything. Most other quilting gurus advocate pinning in one form or another.
I couldn't find photo fix spray so decided to take another chance on the adhesive quilt spray. I did decide to try starching my top and back, as Sharon Schamber recommends. I typically prefer Best Press but "what if....?" The worst that could happen is that I'd ruin this project quilt. That's unlikely to happen.
The spray worked well! Even so, once the layers were together I decided to go ahead and pin as well. The pins aren't as close together as recommended (hand width). The layers also weren't moving around.
I've started stitching in the ditch and, so far, I'm pleased with the results. I'm getting better at changing tension.
Another "what if?" is the thread I'm using for this project. Instead of my usual King Tut I'm using Signature Pixelles Size 30 Triobel Polyester on the top and Signature Size 40 Cotton in the bobbin. So much for not combining polyester and cotton. It's working well so far and I like the results.
Batting is Warm and Natural. I was going to try bamboo batting but the quilt spray recommends cotton only. I'll experiment with the bamboo at another time.
I'm with you...hate basting, have to clean my floor, kneeling is hard, etc. Glad the spray baste worked. Hey, you know what I tried on the last baby quilt? Hair spray! - and it worked great! I'd read on a quilter's blog that he used good old Aqua Net. I didn't have that exact brand but used Rave Mega 3X and it was just fine. Like you, I also pin basted as well, but the sandwich held together quite well as I straight-line quilted it.
Wow! What an interesting idea! Hairspray might well work ... and it does wash out of hair. This is definitely worth testing! Thanks for sharing that comment.
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