I solved part of the problem by buying a book (of course!) This morning I took a look, got a few hints, then made these earrings. Other than the frustration of wishing I had four hands, I managed OK.
Then I got the bright idea of learning the peyote stitch. Good idea except for my eyes being at war with each other. Ever tried to do anything when the focal point of one eye is 4" and the other is about 14"? It was a complete and total fiasco. I dropped beads. I dropped my needle from the Nymo thread. I couldn't find the needle. (My feet will probably find it one of these days.) I couldn't see the book at the same time as I was trying to figure out what to do. Why is everything always so nicely lined up in drawings?
I will learn the peyote stitch. But not today. Not as long as my eyes are having this war!
-- Joanna
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