Sunday, June 17, 2007

On the Fringe

This past week has been dreadful in many ways. In preparation for the measurements needed for my upcoming cataract surgery I had to go without my right contact lens for the week. Without going through the entire agonizing story, my eyes sans contact lens are severaly unbalanced. After my left eye had a cataract removed about a decade ago I have perfect focus at about 12". My right eye, however, focuses at about 4". Most of the time I wear a contact in my right eye and computer glasses. Without the right contact ... disaster!

I managed three days of work with my eyes constantly at war then took a vacation day. Four days without work. Great, eh? Just the opposite. Can't do anything on the computer for very long. Can't read for very long. Can't see well enough to do housework. The only thing I could do was bead. I'd simply bring the beading to about 4" in front of my face. That's where I have about an 8x magnifying lens with my nearsighted right eye.

So bead I did. Here's the the first result of doing almost nothing else but bead and create beaded fabric necklaces.

The blessing, in addition to learning more about beading, is that when I whined to some of my online friends I was reminded that, while this is at the top of my life's current disaster scale, so many others are dealing with, or have dealt with so much more.

I saw a t-shirt at the concert last week: Life is Good. Despite occasional bumps on the road, I am very blessed that my life IS good!

-- Joanna
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